Planning your wedding at St. Theresa’s
Greetings from the Parish Priest of St Theresa's Church
Dear Soon-To-Be Bride and Groom,
We are happy that you have chosen our Parish Church to hold your wedding ceremony, and we want to extend our fullest support and assistance to you to make your wedding day meaningful, special and perfect in every way. We have compiled this booklet, which we trust will help you in planning the ceremony, and advise you earnestly to adhere to the requirements and conditions stipulated herein.
We are aware that there are many details connected to this important event that you, as a couple, will need to attend to and finalise prior to this significant day. We invite you to discuss and plan your wedding with the parish priest of St. Theresa’s and the office staff, who will be happy to advise and assist you in making arrangements for the ceremony.
We trust that this day, which marks the beginning of your married life, will be one of the happiest days of your lives, and pray that God will bless you both and shower you with His choicest blessings as you start your new life together.
We hope that this booklet will help you in the smooth planning of your wedding ceremony. We take this opportunity to convey our best wishes to you and shall pray for you who are pledging your love to each other and trusting in that love to guide your lives. May the God of love be with you.
Rev. Fr. Chandana Sanjeewa Perera, C.Ss.R
(Parish Priest)